If you’re a creative practitioner from the global majority* who lives or works in Greater Manchester, and you’re interested in developing skills in working with communities and helping people to get creative, then MYRIAD is for you.

You might already run dance workshops, visual art sessions or singing groups at a local community centre or theatre.  Or you might have experience as a participant, and you’d like to develop your practice working creatively with others.

We know that people from global majority communities face barriers to getting support with mental health and wellbeing. The diversity of our population, whilst one of our greatest strengths, also means that many children, young people, and adults from global majority communities are unable to get the help they need at a time and place that is right for them.

MYRIAD’s aim to is to support the professional development of creative health practitioners so that they can be part of the answer to these issues.  

If you’re interested in finding out more, contact Rosalyne Norford, MYRIAD’S Project Manager. Ros has previously worked across the arts with organisations including SICK! Festival, Manchester Settlement, Odd Arts and HOME and can help you to access opportunities that will be right for you.

Ros is passionate about how art and creativity can be used as a tool for wellness and social change, and she’s excited to lead and make positive change through MYRIAD.  

Contact Ros at

*Global majority refers to people who do not consider themselves or are not considered to be white.