call out for action learning set facilitator
February 2024 |
MYRIAD is looking for a consultant or organisation to develop and facilitate an Action Learning Set for the programme, working with global majority* creative practitioners.
MYRIAD, our partnership project with Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) and NHS Greater Manchester, aims to increase mental health support for people from global majority communities by developing and supporting a global majority, creative health workforce.
Greater Manchester’s Creative Health Strategy sets out the potential of culture and creativity to address health inequities and support the health and wellbeing of all GM’s residents. The strategy sets out six priority areas of focus including training, support, and development for practitioners, testing, and learning from new approaches and the development of new partnerships: all with a focus on addressing inequities. More information and a copy of the strategy can be downloaded here.
We know that nationally, people from global majority communities face barriers to getting support with their mental health and wellbeing and this is no different in Greater Manchester. The diversity of our population, whilst one of our greatest strengths, also means that many children, young people, and adults from global majority communities are unable to get the help and support they need.
MYRIAD is a creative health response to these issues and has been co-designed with a consortium of partners to increase the diversity and range of creative, mental health support activity available to and accessible by global majority communities across GM. We aim to achieve this through a two-year programme of support and development for global majority creative practitioners including training, career development, networking opportunities and the opportunity to take part in test and learn projects as lead or supporting practitioners.
MYRIAD has financial support from The Baring Foundation as part of their investment priority to improve creative opportunities for people with mental health problems from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Please refer to their report here.
The brief
We are looking for a consultant or organisation to develop and facilitate an Action Learning Set with organisational leaders and established freelancers who already develop and deliver creative mental health support activity.
This opportunity is part of a wider programme of support for established practitioners including supervision, organisational support, training and networking.
The Action Learning Set will begin by April 2024 and comprise of at least 6 sessions, ideally on a monthly basis.
We are looking for a consultant or organisation that has experience/understanding of:
- Facilitating action learning sets
- Racial inequalities
- The role of creativity/ the arts in health and wellbeing
- Mental health services (statutory or community)
The action learning set should be delivered starting as soon as possible from April 2024 and completed by November 2024.
The contract for the successful provider will be with Company Chameleon.
Planning: £250.00
Delivery: £250.00 x 6 Sessions
Total : £1750.00
50% of the fee will be paid after delivery of 3 sessions and the remaining 50% on completion of the action learning set.
How to apply
Please send a digital copy of your proposal (in Word or PDF format) no later than 12pm on Monday 4 March to rosalyne@companychameleon.com with the subject line: MYRIAD Action Learning Set.
In your EOI, please detail:
- How you develop and run action learning sets
- How you engage and get the most out of the session with attendees
- Previous work you/your organisation has delivered which are similar in focus
- Details of staff who will undertake the work, a breakdown of how their time will be spent.
Recruitment Timescales
- Deadline for submissions: 12pm on Monday 4 March
- Informal interview for shortlisted candidates: w/c Monday 11 March
- Work to commence by April 2024
*A group of people in the world who do not consider themselves or are not considered to be white.