MYRIAD is a creative health initiative to increase the diversity and range of creative, mental health support activity available to global majority* communities across Greater Manchester.  

We aim to develop a more diverse, creative health workforce across Greater Manchester.  A workforce of creative practitioners who are skilled in engaging with communities in creative activities that improve people’s mental health and well-being.

Compelling evidence exists that engaging with creativity helps us to lead longer, healthier, happier lives. 

Did you know that regularly taking part in creative activity can half the risk factors for dementia; singing can help people overcome anxiety; and by increasing balance, dancing can help improve infant’s motor skills.

If you’re a new or established creative practitioner who would like to get involved MYRIAD and be part of the creative health workforce that we’re developing in Greater Manchester, please get in touch here.

MYRIAD is supported by The Baring Foundation and is a project commissioned and supported by NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care in partnership with Greater Manchester Combined Authority and Company Chameleon.

*Global majority refers to people who do not consider themselves or are not considered to be white.